The 21things4 Project
The 21things4 Project began in 2010 as 21things4teachers, a collaboration between Macomb ISD, Ingham ISD and Shiawassee RESD. The website was a place for free and curated educational technology resources alongside just-in-time training. Fast forward to today, where the 21things4teachers and 21things4administrators have become 21things4educators. The 21things4 Project has expanded beyond the original ISD agencies with sites for elementary (MITechKids) and middle school students (21things4students). The Student and Kids projects are now supported by the State REMC Association. The Educator site has been recognized by the International Society for Technology in Education with the ISTE Seal of Alignment, a distinguished honor in the Ed Tech community.
Discovery Education Experience
Discovery Education Experience is the updated video-on-demand and online interactive learning service for Macomb County educators. DE Exp includes a video and image library, assignment builder and quiz maker all aligned to State standards. The platform has moved well beyond the original United Streaming platform - Now teachers build classrooms and launch content to students to include interactive Studio Boards, slide shows, and video or live classroom quizzes. Better yet, the platform integrates with Single Sign On for Google Suite, Office 365, and Schoology.
Macomb Academy for Digital Educators
The MADE program is Macomb ISD's premier professional development for creating expert blended learning educators. Educators work as a Cohort using available digital technologies, ISTE Standards for Educators and Students, and sound pedagogical approaches for blending and personalizing learning. This 2-year program includes both an interactive online course as well as virtual and face-to-face trainings. The experience includes a culminating Capstone Night event where participants share out their innovation within their professional practice.
As the learning management system chosen by Macomb districts and their leadership, educators use Schoology to create their online classrooms. The system is offered to districts within the MISD service area, and can utilize Single Sign On with Google Suite or Office 365, as well as grade passback with PowerSchool. Educators can choose to have their online classroom display in an elementary-friendly visual interface, or the standard K-12 view.
Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works
Learn how to integrate technology with best practice instruction in this 3 day series. Explore the "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works" matrix of technology with supporting materials found at the Tech Best Practice site. Build on your understanding of the "Classroom Instruction that Works" pedagogy to locate tools and resources to support technology infusion in the classroom. Macomb ISD - IT Department is an authorized provider of the UTCITW training.