•  Address:
    44001 Garfield Road
    Clinton Township, MI
  •  Building Maps

Transition Services

Transition Planning: Preparing our Youth for Success

What is Transition?

A coordinated set of activities designed through an outcome-oriented process to promote movement from school to postsecondary education, training, and independent living.

It should include the following four domains:

  • Training
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Independent Living when appropriate

The school is responsible for coordinating activities that will help each special education student move into adult life, by:

  • Identifying transition goals and developing a plan for the student to reach these goals
  • Including information provided by the student and family
  • Providing assessments of the student's abilities and current information from teachers
  • Providing information about agencies available in the community
  • Collaborating with agencies to support the student's post school goals

Transition Information...

  • Begins no later than the first IEP when the student turns 16, and should be considered earlier if determined appropriate by the IEP Team (IEPT)
  • Postsecondary goals need to be updated annually
  • Transition services should enable the student to reach his/her postsecondary goals
  • Annual IEP goal(s) relate to the student's transition service needs, which take into account a student's strengths, preferences and interests

Online Resources:

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition

MDE B-13 Indicator At-A-Glance

B-13 MDE OSE Webinar Recording

MDE OSE Secondary Transition Resources

IRIS Center Secondary Transition Module

MDE Inviting a Participating Agency Clarification